We had lots of fun on Jesus Day. We arrived at school wearing clothes that people wore when Jesus was living on earth.
Our thanks to the Charlotte's mother, Gabrielle's grandfather, Sinead's mother and her aunty. They helped us at our activities stations.

The water well.

Grinding the grain was hard work.

Shake shake the cream and soon it will be butter.

Mr O'Neill helped with the making of the butter.

What fun it would have been working with Jesus foster father Joseph.

Making bread was fun. We patted and rolled the dough.

Wow it's a long way down that well.

Market Day in Jesus' time. We used the scales to weigh out the goods we were selling.

Sweeping was very hard work.

here we are with our morning tea. We made a pouch in our tunic to put it in and we looked around and thought of the games that Jeus would have played like tag, running races, treasure hunts. Bailey S loved treasure hunts.

Weaving was good fun but we had to remember to go under and over.

Father Chris joined us during Jesus day and he was very good at drawing up the water from the well.

We ate our shared lunch. Only some tried the dates, figs,and olives. Some really liked the feta cheese. We ate with our left hand but sometimes it was hard to remember.
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