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How do bees make honey and make a bee hive? said Emalyn
Do the bees fly with their wings? said Ella

Can bees help people?asked Kshema.

How do bees make wax? Asked Degen.
How do bees make honey? Asked Nero.

What kind of bees are there? Why are some bees poisonous? said Lise.
Phebe wanted to know how bees fly in the wind.

How does the queen bees make the other bees? said James.
How do bees make honey?asked Brooklyn.

How do bees make honey? How do bees get into the hive? said Bailey S.
When do bees make honey?asked Ethan.

Can bees make honey from yellow flowers? Can bees sting rabbits? said
Alexandra was interested in knowing how bees make pollen.

Are bumble bees bees? said Benjamin
Do bees make honey? How do bees fly? said Teddy.

Can bees sting? Asked Solani.

How do bees sting? said Bailey F D.
Can bees fly? Asked Himanot.
Ngaikiha wanted to know if bees jump.
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