Thursday, 28 August 2014

Yanamarie is keeping her eye on the ball during our tennis lesson.

Our Sunny Tennis afternoon

Sister joined us for our tennis hits.

Wednesday afternoon

Nishil and Luka showing us their great tennis skills.


Ethan is waiting for the ball. Great skills.

A helping hand

What a great teacher you make Luka. jake enjoyed working with you.
Thank you.

Musical Room1&2

Congratulations Room One and Two for the amazing Seasons Performance.
Everyone enjoyed it.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Introducing our flight crew

Matthew and Yanamarie are sitting in the chair in the cockpit.
By Nishil.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Beginning our trip

I liked going to the Air Force museum with my daddy. He came to help on our trip.

We know that!

Chris showed us that air important to people and flight.
By Mason

What we learnt

Chris told us about flight.He showed us about how propellers work. The yellow clouds told us how we can learn. By Charlotte.

Chris our museum teacher

This is Chris, our airforce museum teacher. He showed us around and told us all about the planes. It was fun.

Our Air Force Trip

Room 1 are lining up to go on the bus to the Air Force museum. We have our name tags and our bags on .By Stellar

Friday, 8 August 2014


I am playing with Matthew in the playground yesterday. We made a plane. Matthew is the pilot. By Stellar.

Thursday, 7 August 2014