Monday, 28 July 2014

The Music Class

I am learning to play the keyboard. My mum takes me to the music class on a Monday. In my first lesson I did kangaroos and soldiers. For the kangaroos we have to put our pointer and longest finger together and jump them up and down on the keys. It's great fun. By Isabel.

Thursday, 24 July 2014


We are finding different coins. The highest coin is the two dollar coin and the lowest is the ten cent coin. By Colbie-Rose.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Monday, 21 July 2014

Up date for Colbie Rose and Charlotte reading group

I read a book about some pipis. Two kids and two adults were digging in the sand for them.

Sunday, 20 July 2014


Today we learnt some measurement words.

Ask your child to tell you about these rods.