Sunday, 26 May 2013

Friday reading

What fun reading is says Room One.

Look at these emerging readers. So much fun.

.Cross Country run at school

Year ones starting out on the cross country run.

We have our first through the line!

Year two are just at first corner.

Our first three of the finish line!

Another one of our STARS who kept on running even after his shoe came off. He still finished the race. What a star - he didn't give up. Great Teddy.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Term 2Week 3 Story

Today I left my bag and homework at home. My Mum forgot it! We are moving house today and she is very busy. She is going to bring it this morning.
By Olivia.

Monday, 13 May 2013

Welcome to Room 1 Nishil

Nishil Singh is in his second week at St Marys. Look at his lovely, neat colouring! We welcome him to our room.

Sunday, 12 May 2013

Term Two Story Writer

"What is the greatest invention? Why do you think so?"

My mum is making doughnuts. She needs to make dough. She needs to make a circle and a hole in the middle and she needs to put it in the oven to cook faster. She needs chocolate and some hot water and she needs to put it in a bowl then my mum takes then donuts then puts the chocolate on the doughnuts then eats them. Now there is a donut invention. It's a machine that makes donuts.
By Jana.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Geometry in Room 1

"We used triangles, diamonds, squares, oblongs, ovals, pentagons, circles, quadrilaterals and hexagons to make our pictures." -Room 1